QuickStart Guide
Sellers love ShowingTime because it’s simple to stay informed and easy to confirm appointments. Sellers can be notified of showings automatically, see feedback from potential buyers, and view all activity on their home during the sales process!
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is ShowingTime?
ShowingTime provides showing management and feedback technologies for real estate agents, homeowners, and buyers. ShowingTime’s main focus is to ensure that people who are interested in touring your home can easily and effectively set up an appointment which in turn will notify you or your agent.
As a seller, what do I need to do?
Your agent and ShowingTime will take care of bringing buyers to your home... all you need to do is prepare your home for showings.
Will I be notified when a showing is scheduled?
Yes, you can receive an email, push notification, and/or text message. Appointments fall into two categories:
- Go & Show / Courtesy Call - For listings where no appointment is required and the showing request can be immediately confirmed upon request
- Appointment Required - An confirmation must be obtained from the seller, tenant and/or listing agent before the showing may occur.
In each case, you may still elect to receive notifications.
Tips For Showings
Check your messages
ShowingTime will contact you via email push notifications, and/or text messages. The sooner ShowingTime receives your response the sooner the agent will be informed that they can show. Delayed responses or missed notifications could mean missed showings.
Communicate the importance of showings with others in the household
If everyone relays messages about showings, none will be missed.
Have your home ready to show at any time
It’s tough to keep your home in tip-top shape every moment, but the practice of preparing it for showings - always neat, always clean, limited clutter - will result in a higher likelihood of an offer. All of your aesthetic elements combine to create an impression that could lead to a contract.
Be prepared for “drive-up” showings
Occasionally agents may drive past your home and have a buyer in the car. Your home may have terrific curb appeal and result in the buyer wanting to see your home at that moment. Be prepared for those showings; it could be the one that results in a contract. Neither ShowingTime or your agent can control a buyers ambition for window shopping.
Have one or two primary phone numbers where you can be reached
If your cell phone is always by your side, make sure that number is the one you give your agent for confirming showings. You may also have a home and/or work number(s) to provide as a backup.
Stay updated on your home
You will have access to your own listing activity website which will tell you the date and time of future and past appointments as well as valuable feedback from agents who have recently shown your home. This website is easily accessible in two ways: through an email notification from ShowingTime or within the ShowingTime mobile app.
Example Notifications
Text Message